Eclipse Of Sun: ¿Te atrevés a descubrir lo que hay después de que el sol de quite?
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Alice C. Brandon (111)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Daniella T. D'Belikov (58)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Natalie Black (53)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Leah I. Clearwater (40)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Bella Swan (27)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Ethan Van Der Berg (18)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Renesmee C. Swan (18)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Edward Cullen (17)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Bree Tanner (15)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 
Eclipse Of Sun (12)
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_lcapLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Voting_barLeah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Vote_rcap 

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El record de usuarios en línea fue de 16 durante el Miér Sep 13, 2023 4:05 pm
Lugar: Forks, Washington.
Año: 2010.
Estación: Otoño.
Estado Meteorológico: Nublado {lluvias todo el día}, con viento ligero.
Temperatura Actual: 10°-15°
Más Afiliados
Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ 2m64cq0 Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ 2njm2xs Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Dh90yc Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ 33yt8xe

Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

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Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Empty Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

Mensaje por Leah I. Clearwater Lun Ago 23, 2010 3:38 am

Imagen {No mayor a los 500x300}

Leah Isabelle Clearwater
LeeLee, Lee, Leitah, etc.
Breve Desp. Psicológica#
Se tiene constancia de que el carácter de Leah cambió desde el mismo momento en que Sam cortó con ella. Rencorosa hasta límites insospechados, cortante, don de palabra y de rápida respuesta, de muy mal pronto, sobré protectora con su hermano Seth y su familia, dice lo que piensa sin importar las consecuencias, impredecible, de ideas claras, competitiva, altanera, amante de lo prohibido y de lo que le supone un desafío, frívola apariencia, algo elitista.
Una obsesión? encargarse personalmente de que ni Sam ni nadie que tenga que ver con él olvide todo el sufrimiento que le causó en su día. Defectos y Virtudes? Vengativa, prepotente e impulsiva - Astuta, segura de sí misma, protectora, leal y osada. Como pasa más tiempo en la manada de Jacob, tiene cambios notables en su actitud y personalidad.

~Gustos: Matar Vampiros, Cocinar, Correr y Retar a Jake a carreras por el bosque.
~Odios: La mayoria de los vampiros.
~Hobbies: Correr por el bosque y retar a Jake.
~Otro: Desearia poder terminar alguna vez un plato de Brownies sin que se lo coman Jake y Seth.

Vínculos de Familia y Amistad#

Alexandra (Sobrina)
Natalie Black

Margarett M. Howard
Bella Swan
Alice B. Cullen

Daniella T. D'Belikov
Natalie Black
Ethan Van Der Berg
Billy Black Jr.
Hunter Fallen

-Amigos en Secreto
Bree Tanner

Natalie Black

-Muneca de Compras
Alice B. Cullen

Bree Tanner

Margarett M. Howard
Bree Tanner
Bella Swan


-Trato Cordial

Vínculo Amoroso#



Hunter Fallen

-Con Derecho
Billy Black Jr.

Vínculos de Fiesta y/o Una Noche#

-Partner's de Fiesta
Margarett M. Howard
Bella Swan
Alice B. Cullen
Natalie Black
Billy Black Jr.

-Cura de Resaca
Margarett M. Howard
Bella Swan
Alice B. Cullen



Billy Black Jr.

Vículo...¡Stop! Aquí Nada Importante#



-Trato Hostil
Bree Tanner
Hunter Fallen


Última edición por Leah I. Clearwater el Sáb Sep 04, 2010 6:34 am, editado 5 veces
Leah I. Clearwater
Leah I. Clearwater

Mensajes : 40
Puntos : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 22/08/2010

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Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Empty Re: Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

Mensaje por Leah I. Clearwater Lun Ago 23, 2010 3:59 am

Leah I. Clearwater
Leah I. Clearwater

Mensajes : 40
Puntos : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 22/08/2010

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Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Empty Re: Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

Mensaje por Leah I. Clearwater Lun Ago 23, 2010 4:02 am

I Know Cool
Leah I. Clearwater
Leah I. Clearwater

Mensajes : 40
Puntos : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 22/08/2010

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Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Empty Re: Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

Mensaje por Leah I. Clearwater Mar Ago 31, 2010 6:22 am

Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ 23w1tap
Leah I. Clearwater
Leah I. Clearwater

Mensajes : 40
Puntos : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 22/08/2010

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Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~ Empty Re: Leah Relationship ~You lie, you hurt me and then you regret, If you no longer have to try it...I have no desire to feel~

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